Title: Senior Moments
Publisher: 27th October 2020 by Hachette Australia
Pages: 220 pages
How I Read It: ARC book
Genre: contemporary, nonfiction, humour
My Rating: 3.5 cups
Senior Moments is the go-to Christmas gift for all thoughtless children and shrewd seniors.
Have you had a Senior Moment yet? Maybe you know someone who's had a few? Check this list to know for sure:
You can remember being told the King was dead (George, not Elvis).
You still say 'colour television', and you watch television on a television.
Your home phone rings and you answer it. (And you still have a phone, not a 'landline'.)
You boast about 'doing it' three times a night and that's just getting up to pee.
You realise that your wardrobe has become ironic. You're not back in fashion, but you're hip. (And ironically, you now have an artificial hip).
If you answered 'yes' to one or more of the above, congratulations! You are officially a Senior and this book is here to guide you through your best years (i.e. the past). Stroll, or maybe shuffle, down Nostalgia Avenue and bask in the glory of growing old disgracefully.
(If you are a Young Person, this is the easiest Senior gift idea ever. You're welcome!)
My Thoughts
‘As a Senior you will have noticed that among the many ways Modern Life is disappointing is the disappearance of ... familiar staples of yesteryear. What happened to them? ... (for example) ... Women Called ‘Peg’: Used to be everywhere, now vanished. Laundry Pegs are the sole reminder that they used to flourish amongst us.’
Senior Moments is a by-product from the successful theatrical version of the same name. Comedy writer, Angus Fitzsimons, took some of the love and laughter from his live show which stars the likes of Max Gillies and John Wood. This show first premiered in 2016 and has continued on through sold-out national tours across Australia since. Seeing as we cannot presently enjoy a live show, this book brings much light relief to our isolated COVID days.
Filled with a long list of topical issues for Seniors this book could be viewed as part instructional guide on how to not only survive but thrive in the Senior years. Some of the great one liners (obviously from the show) are now penned in this tome with many useful tips and tricks on how to be a Senior. Chapters include everything from surviving major events such as Christmas and birthday parties, to exercise and moments in the supermarket. There are even a couple of ‘Senior Moments Quizzes’ or memory tests to see how you are faring. So be prepared!
‘After your Physio Session, you will nod at various stretches shown to you on pieces of paper which you promise you will do at home. Seniors do many things at home - mainly napping and gardening - but no Senior in history has ever followed instructions from a Physio.’
It is also a nostalgic trip with various famous people and key events from days of old reminisced about. From what may have been on TV such as Colombo or Murder She Wrote to musical icons from a range of styles across the decades. If you are looking for a good giggle or maybe ideas on how to grow old disgracefully, look no further than Senior Moments. It is sure to bring a smirk to the faces of anyone over the half century age bracket.
‘Remember to remain on your guard and stick to ‘I don't remember’ if they ask you any leading questions like: ‘Did you make me use a dummy?’ (Make them! They used to suck your thumb like a vampire after you dipped it into two fingers of Scotch and then they went out like a light. Tell no one.)’
This review is based on a complimentary copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. The quoted material may have changed in the final release.
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