Sunday, June 28, 2020

Review: Tiny Pieces of Us

Title: Tiny Pieces of Us
Author: Nicky Pellegrino
Publisher: 30th June 2020 by Hachette Australia
Pages: 320 pages
How I Read It: ARC book
Genre: family, modern contemporary
My Rating: 4 cups

My heart is less than 1% of my body, it weighs hardly anything; it is only a tiny piece of me, yet it is the part everyone finds most interesting.
Vivi Palmer knows what it's like to live life carefully. Born with a heart defect, she was given a second chance after a transplant, but has never quite dared to make the most of it. Until she comes face-to-face with her donor's mother, Grace, who wants something in return for Vivi's second-hand heart: her help to find all the other people who have tiny pieces of her son.
Reluctantly drawn into Grace's mission, Vivi's journalist training takes over as one by one she tracks down a small group of strangers. As their lives intertwine Vivi finds herself with a new kind of family, and by finding out more about all the pieces that make up the many parts of her, Vivi might just discover a whole new world waiting for her...

My Thoughts

‘My heart is less than one per cent of my body; it is only a tiny piece of me. All I can do is trust it will keep beating, that its valves will open and close, pumping blood round my body. All I can do is hope and live, like everyone ... like other ordinary people.’

I have read and enjoyed a couple Nicky Pellegrino's books yet it would seem this is a step in a different direction and I liked it. Tiny Pieces of Us will inspire you with its tale of organ transplants. At first I was somewhat unsure, but I warmed to the story and the characters as Nicky’s writing encapsulated the grateful moments along with the heartbreaking ones. 

‘No one is ever safe,’ said Stefano, matter-of-factly, ‘that’s why it’s so important to make the most of life.’ 

This is an interesting fictional look into organ donations from both sides, something I failed to consider beyond the initial donation and transplant (‘People tend to think of an organ transplant as a happy ending’). I found it eye opening and learnt a great deal. The story will take you through a plethora of emotions - everything from love and laughter to tears and heartbreak. It will prompt you to reconsider ‘family’ and the importance of connections. 

Nicky will take you on a journey of how it must be for those who have lost a loved one and also the relief of receiving an organ is in fact, the beginning of a physical and emotional lifelong journey. I appreciated seeing things through Vivi’s point of view and the many hurdles (real and imagined) she put herself through. I enjoyed the backstories behind the other organ recipients and I particularly warmed to her sister Imogen as once again Nicky invites you to consider what it might be like for family members as well. A comprehensive and, I feel, realistic portrayal of all. 

‘Don’t you ever think that we got this second chance at life so should be doing something more important?’  ‘Like curing cancer or negotiating world peace?’ ‘Perhaps not that important.’ ‘I don’t know.’ Tommy sounded thoughtful. ‘We can’t live our best lives all the time, can we? Sometimes we just have to get through the day, same as anyone else.’ 

Woven into this is also family dynamics, a career quandary and relationships with some romance which adds depth and therefore this is not a one dimensional tale. There is much to appreciate here and a grateful heart (pardon the pun) to walk away with. I have always enjoyed Nicky’s writing but feel she has really stepped it up with her latest offering and I can’t wait to see what she comes up with next. 

 ‘The only thing that has ever made her feel slightly better is knowing that out there somewhere Jamie’s heart is still beating, that his death meant other people had a future. She  thinks about the ones that have tiny pieces of him inside them.’

This review is based on a complimentary copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. The quoted material may have changed in the final release.

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