Author: Laura Andersen
Publisher: Ballantine Books (May 26, 2015)
ISBN: 9780804179362
Pages: 368 pages
How I Read It: eARC
Genre: historical fiction, alternate historyMy Rating: 4.5 cups
What if Elizabeth the First, the celebrated Virgin Queen, had a daughter? For those who just can’t get enough of the scandalous Tudors, the author of the wildly popular Boleyn King series offers an enthralling new saga of the royal family, set in Elizabethan England. Perfect for fans of Philippa Gregory and Alison Weir.
Andersen explores the thrilling possibility of a Tudor heir, the daughter of Elizabeth I, in her new trilogy, a captivating continuation of the alternate history of the Tudors launched in the award-winning Boleyn King trilogy. With her originality and imagination, Andersen breathes fresh life into this ever-fascinating epoch. Peppered with realistic period-details and genuine historical figures to add dimension and texture to her captivating story, Andersen brings the seduction and glamour of the Tudor court to life in this spellbinding new novel.
My Thoughts:
"...who ever said that being friends with royalty was fair?"
no secret that I am a huge fan of the alternate history Laura Andersen
began in her Boleyn Trilogy, so I was incredibly excited to learn she
was releasing a new series of books set in that same world and focusing
on the next generation of characters. While this book is listed as Book
#1 of this new series, it very much builds on the story of the first
trilogy. While you could read it as a standalone, I would not
recommend it. Your enjoyment and appreciation will be so much greater if
you are aware of and love the previous books - I am and I do, so I can
say without hesitation that I absolutely adored this book as well.
feels almost like a reunion with old friends. Nearly all of our
favorite characters from the first three books are present, albeit more
in the background than on center stage, and established fans of the
series will appreciate the manner in which Andersen flawlessly captures
and conveys these much loved characters even in small scenes and
snippets of dialogue. She also effectively illustrates how these
characters have evolved over the unseen intervening years, particularly
Elizabeth and the subtle changes the weight of the monarchy has wrought
on her personality.
had always cared about her appearance, but as queen her appearance was
as much a part of ruling as her edicts. The nobility wanted a woman they
could admire and pretend to understand, and the people needed a figure
of myth so that they might not remember that she was only a woman."
carry the main crux of the story this time, we are introduced to a
captivating new cast in the children of Elizabeth, Dominic and Minuette,
and Renaud. Just as The Boleyn King did not solely focus on
William, here too the title character is not the only star of the show.
In fact, this is actually more Lucette's story than it is Princess
Anne's, and I'm fine with that. Lucette is a terrific character, and
this focus on her story allows a few remaining questions from the prior
books to be explored and dealt with. Andersen writes characters that are
easy to care about and does a marvelous job with an ensemble cast,
giving them all great depth and individuality. I have high hopes that
the upcoming books will delve deeper into each of these newly introduced
family members because the glimpses we have seen here are most
found all aspects of this novel to be extremely well done. Andersen once
again weaves her altered events in amongst historical fact with great
skill and believability. As always, I found it fascinating to discover
what changed and what didn't in her version of events, and how even
altered timelines might lead to identical outcomes. The plot is
multi-faceted and very cleverly done. The romance is handled well and
complements rather than dominates the story. This author has a lovely
writing style and a great sense of pace that makes the reading fun and
effortless. Her prose immerses you in this world perfectly, and I could happily spend a great deal of time there.
only minor complaint would be that the reader is never really shown
'why' the bad guy came to be bad. I can't fully explain without
venturing into spoiler territory, but perhaps others who have read this
book will understand what I mean. Don't get me wrong, he totally works
as the villain and we know the motivations for his present actions. We
simply don't get a clear explanation or trigger for what started him on
the path to badness. That was the only real issue I had, and it was in
no way troubling enough to spoil my enjoyment of this book. To put it plainly, I loved this book
and savored every minute spent with it. It was over much too soon for
me, and I am already anticipating the next installment, with fingers
crossed that it includes an extra large helping of Dominic...because,
even though he's no longer a true lead character in these new books, we could all use a little more Dominic Courtenay in our lives.
"What we think and feel, for good or bad, is all we can honestly offer another human being."
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